Thursday, June 30, 2016


Finding Happiness

Happiness is key to living the life you want to life. I recently found my happiness in something completely normal yet out of my comfort zone. Without going into to much detail growing up I lived a very normal and scheduled life. Everything was based off of day-to-day activities. Each day was planned out even to the finest detail. I wasn't really living my life, I was just along for the ride. I was only breathing in this gated community with little adventure or life. This was all until recently:

1. Find someone who is there for you no matter what

Growing up I had always somewhat struggled finding a good group of friends. I would find some and then slowly diminish away, it started to become a problem. Freshman year I met my best friend. This word was a sly word in my vocabulary... Used too often but never was really true. When I met her I knew that it was true.

2. Take risks, don't over think everything you do, live with no regrets. Adventuring is now my favorite thing to do. Whether is going to Colorado and hiking up a mountain or going to 7-11 at 11:30 and buying Slurpee's, it will always put a smile on my face and leave me with such a high.

3. Let music lead you through every single question(unless its Kanye)
Music is such a big role in my life. Whether its singing, playing or listening it brings me immense joy. None the matter if you're on stage playing your heart or doing your own cover of Justin Bieber when you're alone on a long drive it makes me insanely happy.

4. Laugh and act like a complete idiot no matter who is watching
I am known for saying the absolute most random things. At times it may be in a wrong situation, but my favorite thing to do is to laugh and make others laugh around me. Life is too short to be stuck up and judge other people for having fun .

5. Laugh at everything
LAUGH. Learning how to realize the beauty in laughter is the best thing I have ever done. Laughing is a sign of happiness and that is what I am getting at here right? Laughing is almost a passion of mine, every time you see me, I am probably laughing. You need to laugh at every single thing like its the funniest thing in the world. My goal when I die is to have a six pack, not because I am fit but because I spent my life in utter happiness because I laughed.

6. Prove people wrong
Going against negative people and being able to prove them wrong is such a liberating feeling. For all those people out there that say you cant do something, you need to show them you can.

7. Break the rules (Legally)
Most of all, have fun. Don't worry about judgment or rules. Sometimes you've got to reach out and not be the prim and proper person you're used to being. It is the best feeling in the world... It feels like you're flying on an ultimate high of happiness.


Bye Loves,
Natalie Grace